April 17, 2024 Poinciana CDD action items like the ones he discussed earlier or deliverables, they be included on the Action Items List. Ms. Adams pointed out that the only item that was not included, was the fertilization issue with the golf course but would include it at the pleasure of the Board. Ms. Adams would include it on the Action Items List. Mr. Reed also wanted an action item to remove the solar panels and equipment out of Pond E3 with a deliverable. Ms. Adams pointed out there would be a report on this equipment under the Field Manager's Report. ii. Approval of Check Register Ms. Adams presented the Check Register from March 9, 2024 to March 31, 2024 in the amount of $57,195.97. It included General Fund expenditures and payroll. Mr. Reed pointed out that a pet peeve of his, was a line item for Clarke called, "Mosquito Maintenance, " which should be "Midge Maintenance. " However, mosquitoes were the responsibility of Polk County and requested that the Check Register reflect that it was for midge maintenance, for clarification purposes, since they were not paying for mosquito maintenance. Ms. Adams understood why this would create confusion. The name of the vendor was actually Clark Environmental Mosquito and the register reflects the language from the invoice and the name of the vendor. Mr. Reed was correct that Polk County provided the mosquito control and the Board hired Clarke Environmental Mosquito for midge control. Mr. Reed noted that he did not want there to be any misunderstandings. On MOTION by Mr. Reed seconded by Mr. Zimbardi with all in favor the March 9, 2024 to March 31, 2024 Check Register in the amount of $57,195.97 were approved. 7 April 17, 2024 Poinciana CDD that the District was fully collected last year and were expecting to be fully collected this year. Property owners in Polk County had until March 31st to pay their tax bill and were considered to be on time through the end of March 31st, but if for any reason, there were any unpaid taxes after that time, there was a tax certificate sale, which typically occurred in June. Therefore, if somebody paid their taxes by March 31st, the District would not receive that transmittal until sometime in April. However, if the tax certificates were sold in June, the District may not receive that revenue until July. Ms. Carpenter pointed out that tax collectors were getting slower in providing reimbursements, which was now anticipated to take six to eight weeks and expected Polk County to slow down to keep up with the others. Mr. Reed wanted to ensure that the District received all of their assessments and there were no issues. On MOTION by Mr. Zimbardi seconded by Mr. Cameron with all in favor the financials through February 29, 2024 were accepted. 29th iv. Zoom Presentation April at 3PM Solivita HOA Wildlife Committee Ms. Adams reminded the Board of the Zoom presentation from the Solivita HOA Wildlife Committee that was scheduled for April 29, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. Mr. Bob Monica, Wildlife Chair of the Solivita Conservation and Wildlife Committee, confirmed that he was available and updated the presentation, compared to what he presented to the HOA earlier this calendar year and was looking forward to presenting to the Board. A notice would be sent out through the electronic mail messaging system, as well as the neighborhood Captain system; however, there may be some changes in the way that residents within the District received electronic mail and there may be the need to add another entity to the distribution list. Mr. Cameron suggested involving the HOA, as the club recently separated from Evergreen and utilized a system called Town Square, which many residents opted out of. Ms. Adams would ask the HOA Manager to send out CDD meeting announcements. Mr. Reed asked if the CDD would be in charge of the workshop. Ms. Adams confirmed that the workshop was noticed as a Poinciana CDD workshop and would be facilitated through Zoom and Board Members would receive links as panelists. The audio would be enabled for participants attending by Zoom who had questions. Mr. Zimbardi questioned why the Board Members were identified as panelists. Ms. Adams advised as 9 April 17, 2024 Poinciana CDD iv. Customer Complaint Log Mr. Blanco presented the Customer Complaint Log, which was included in the agenda package. Regarding Mr. Cameron's question, Mr. Blanco explained that they did not remove bushes for obstruction of views, but if it pertained to the health of the pond, it was removed. Anytime they received a complaint, they called the resident or sent an email, informing them that their complaint was received and would be reviewed. Mr. Blanco indicated that he was on the property once a week, reviewing issues that were reported and if it was something within their scope of work, they would handle it, but if not, then they would inform the resident that it was not within their scope and it was either the responsibility of the HOA or the resident. This specific issue had to do with the Primrose bush that was removed because those bushes tend to grow big. It was on the pond bank and they did not want it to grow too big, causing a discrepancy with the bank itself. Mr. Reed questioned the complaints received about the feral hogs and what actions were being taken, if any. Mr. Blanco explained if any of the feral hogs created ruts around the pond bank or around the CDD area, they reached out to Floralawn to restore them and would monitor areas. With one complaint, the feral hog ruts were in the conservation area, which they would leave alone. Mr. Reed requested that Mr. Blanco keep track of the number of complaints for the feral hogs and the action being taken, due to the sensitivity of this issue and requested that the information be provided at the workshop held at the end of the month. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor's Requests Mr. Reed pointed out a drain line in a ditch on the north side of Cypress Parkway that went underneath the highway, but there was no ditch on the south side of the highway and questioned where it drained to. The significance of this request, was the fact that this was the only location where water from outside of Solivita entered Solivita, passes through Solivita going south and out of the southern boundary and would be a new source of water from a polluted ditch that could be entering CDD property. Ms. Leo would do some research but explained that generally the CDD permits were set with the Water Management District, which dictate how stormwater and ditches were maintained and come through the property. Mr. Reed appreciated that, especially if the county was going to modify the ditch system and the drainage around the highways, to ensure that this water did not enter their property. Mr. Zimbardi 13